Our lives are peppered with last times
Salted with the unknowing,
in each moment,
when exactly we’re Here living them.
We hope for more sunrises
For more chances to sit on the hilltop
under the moon,
hands boldly interlocked
with the people we love
but we are never guaranteed more chances
or more moments, after this one
People spend so much time trying to forget this
Trying desperately to look away
from what they think
is this sad, awful truth
that must be blurred and kicked
and buried
in the sunlight
But it is this truth and our ability to sit,
with our arm around it,
that can offer us the perspective
we sometimes need
to take the risk of living
To pursue the things in our lives
that otherwise, terrify us too much.
Because as humans we are so good
at convincing ourselves,
that we have something to lose
It is a liberation
not a curse,
to be reminded of the fleeting nature of our lives,
our own impermanence
because everything,
our fear,
our insecurity, pride, anger, and humiliation,
all of these things fall away in the face
of two words so significant,
as The End
Great timing with this because I’m in Costa Rica in a cloud forest, on a mountain covered in fog. Monteverde.
In the mountains in the clouds