I like to think there is a stage in your mind and you, your consciousness, are sitting out in the front row with some spectacles and a notebook as all your thoughts that come and go constantly audition on the stage. To become part of your life in some way. Some of them are terrible, you dismiss them immediately. Others put on such an immersive display that you lose yourself in them for a while, caught up in the raw emotion of their act.
It’s important that you pull back to recognize: it’s you who calls the shots. You determine who and what gets a part in the show, in your life. You are not simply an embodiment of thoughts. You are the Big Director. An intelligent and capable observer who can decide what becomes of those auditionees on the stage. You can embrace them, laugh at them, drop them, or replace them someday when the time comes. They are no more a part of you than you allow them to be.
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