All of the world’s great scientific minds came together and concluded that something horrible must be poisoning the people of Earth.
They were hurting each other and themselves, with words and guns and when that wasn’t enough, they laughed at the damage it caused,
even to the planet and the air.
They focused on money and war and colored filters that made their pictures rosier than they really were, because they couldn’t stomach what they really looked like. They let the fear and pain inside them fester until it exploded out into a million pieces of shrapnel that imbedded into everyone and everything, and them.
These scientists knew this couldn’t last much longer so they poured every drop of their collective resources into finding a solution. They ran tests and collected data, sleepless and dedicated. They brewed elixirs and capsules and syrups and there was even this powder you could sprinkle into your food and not even taste it. Thousands of dogs and cats and rabbits and mice gave their lives to help find an answer, and the scientists all held their breath as they watched every single attempt at a cure, fail.
The lab’s janitor looked up from the puddle they’d been pushing around with their mop. They wiped the sweat from their lips with their sleeve and declared that the poison was hate. That the only real antidote, was love